Definitely need some advice / direction here how to implement this solution?


Search.jsp (search page to search database and displays search results)

-        displays form with inputText field to search database

-        uses t:dataTable to display datamodel property from backing bean (populated with database results)

-        uses t:dataScroller to scroll results & t:commandSortHeader to sort column data

-        uses t:daveState to save datamodel property of backing bean (backing bean in request scope)

-        when user selects item from dataTable, uses t:commandLink to link to another page to show details for item selected


DetailView.jsp (displays details for item selected in search.jsp page)

-        at bottom of this page, I have a commandbutton with action="" – this maps back to search.jsp page in faces-config.xml


Here’s where I need help – how can I link back to the search.jsp to display the same search results within the datatable, at the same location within the datascroller, and with the same sort?  When I press the commandbutton in the DetailView.jsp it takes me back to the Search.jsp page with the inputText field (search keykwords) cleared and no datatable displayed (same as when user first enters the page.)


Thanks for any help with this.





From: Tom Butler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2006 11:23 PM
To: 'MyFaces Discussion'
Subject: Returning to same page within t:dataScroller?


I have a page displaying database results using a t:dataTable and a t:dataScroller – when the user selects one of the records, they are taken to a separate page to show the details.  


At the bottom of the details page, I want to place a button to link back to the exact same position within the t:dataScroller on the previous page.  Any suggestions on how to accomplish this?




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