Title: How to update fields from ValueChangeEvent

This question seems to be very stupid, but I can't achieve to update inputText Components within a ValueChangeEvent when this inputTextComponents have a binding attribute.

If I remove the binding attribute, then the fields are updated...
In the ValueChangeMethod I get records from Database depending on the Input of the first inputtext component and write the records into the other inputtext COmponents with their setter Methods.

Then the page is loaded new but the inputtextfields arenot updated
What can I do to achieve this?

Here is my JSF Page:
<t:htmlTag value="td" rendered="#{showTags.showLfnr}">
        <h:inputText binding=
"#{beziehungsDto.ITlfnr}"  id="lfnr"
                value="#{beziehungsDto.lfnr}" styleClass="mustfield" required="true"
                size="35" rendered="#{showTags.showLfnr}" immediate="true"
                <f:validateLength maximum=
this second field some data should be written. If I remove the binding attribute, it works, if I leave it, the field isn't updated...
<t:htmlTag value="td">
        <h:inputText binding=
"#{beziehungsDto.ITpartnername}" id="partnernameneu" value="#{beziehungsDto.namepartner}"
        styleClass="mustfield" required="true" size="35">
                <f:validateLength maximum=


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