Hi Olexandr,

First: please don't use SortableByApplication, this will be removed.
We are thinking about to allow applications to register a eventListener
to recieve sort events and do the sorting there.

Now to your problem:
Currently sorting of links should work if you use a t:label tag inside
the t:link instead of the label attribute.
I think the sorting code is older than the label attibute on the link tag.
Please oben a jira issue to support this.


Olexandr Zakordonskyy wrote:
> Hi Tobago Team.
> Help me with sorting column which contains t:link component.
> In sorter there is a todo:
>           // TODO: locale / comparator parameter?
>           // don't compare numbers with Collator.getInstance() comparator
> //        Comparator comparator = Collator.getInstance();
> //          comparator = new RowComparator(ascending, method);
> It may be possible to use SortableByApplication, but 
> Line 156 is commented....
> Please, help.
> Thanks,
> Olexandr.

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