The portal.jsp still issued an old ref (to "loginbean.loginName" instead of "loginbean.user.loginName")
I corrected this as well and now it works!!!

Thanks Volker & Jesse. :-)

I'm not sure however what exactly went wrong in earlier attempts.
Could it just have been the Constructor error? I'm not sure as it spew out all kinds of validation errors earlier on, not NullPointer ones, which I would expect with wrong inits.

Anyway, prob is solved, thanks for the assistence.

On 06 Feb 2006, at 15:13, Jesse Alexander (KBSA 21) wrote:

Then it must be the other possibility... it is not on the loginPage.jsp
where your problem lies but:

from your stacktrace: resources.pages.portal_jsp:210)

might be something like .../resources/pages/portal.jsp


-----Original Message-----
From: Philippe Lamote [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2006 3:07 PM
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: Re: Variable Resolver

No, I have a "labels" bean.
The only beans I declared so far are these:



On 06 Feb 2006, at 15:01, Jesse Alexander (KBSA 21) wrote:

The stacktrace also talks about HtmlOutputLabel searching for this

there is  <h:outputText value="#{labels.login_name}" /> in his jsp..

could it be that the labels bean (snippet from faces-config does not
contain that bean)
is also of class be.mnemonica.web.beans.LoginBean?
That would explain it clearly.


He did send us the JSP the request is started from, but the problem is
only during
the rendering phase of the resulting JSP...


-----Original Message-----
From: Volker Weber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2006 2:49 PM
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: Re: Variable Resolver

This stacktrace says the class
be.mnemonica.web.beans.LoginBean has no
getLoginName() method.

must be referenced somewhere in the jsf, but i don't see it in your
posted code.

Philippe Lamote wrote:
True, thx, corrected that immediately. (Oops)
However, still no change.
The stack trace I'm getting is:

006-02-06 14:33:09,147 ERROR
[org.apache.myfaces.renderkit.RendererUtils] - Property not found -
called by component : {Component-Path : [Class:
javax.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputLabel,Id: _idJsp0]}
javax.faces.el.PropertyNotFoundException: Bean:
<http://web.beans.LoginBean>, property:
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