Hi everybody,

   Thank you again, now I could take some time
to explore the problem again, the solution was
simple of course:

   All Inner Classes must implement Serializable,
so Anonymous Inner Classes must extend/implement a class
who implements Serializable.

   Well faces.ActionListener, faces.ValueChangeListener
are not Serializable (I suppose all faces Listeners).

   So now I'm extending an ApplXXXXListener that extends
XXXXListener and java.io.Serializable, and all seems to
work fine.

Thank you very much for your help.

On Wed, 2005-12-21 at 20:16 -0300, Tonio Caputo wrote:
> Hi,
>   I'm having a big problem trying to use MyFaces.
>   I have an application running with Java reference implementation
> all works ok.
>   When I try to use it with MyFaces I'm getting this problem:
> javax.servlet.ServletException: 
>  Could not restore StateHolder of type
>      com.avivacanada.pampa.util.jsf.BasePageBean$1 
>      (missing no-args constructor?)
>   Of course BasePageBean$1 is an anonymous class, no constructor in
> it.
> I will describe you some characteristics of my application
> that could help (of course if you need the source no problem)
>   Every jsp has a java class java-page associated with it.
>   They all extend BasePageBean, all components in the
>   jsp are bound to a corresponding one in the java class.
>   BasePageBean has a CommandButton common to all pages
>   and it adds a listener to this command-button, this
>   is the anonymous class that gives the problem.
> Any help will be welcomed
> thank you in advance

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