Just fixed in svn,

thanks for finding this.

BTW the
>>    private void setColumns(int columns) {...
is in inner class Row, so this makes no problem.


Mike Kienenberger wrote:
> Ok.  I see now that you're using
> "ComponentUtil.getStringAttribute(this, ATTR_COLUMNS);" and using a
> generic attribute.
> So, really, it's just the naming typo.   The JSP taghandler converts
> "columns" to "colunms", but in facelets, the value is being set as
> "columns" directly.
> So you should be able to make your example work with the existing code by 
> using
> <tc:gridLayout colunms="fixed;*"/>
> Or, of course, by fixing the typo in the source  :)
> On 2/8/06, Mike Kienenberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I'm glancing through the svn repository for tobago, so maybe what I'm
>>looking at is out of date.
>>I'm not sure if it makes a difference, but I notice that the
>>setColumns method of UIGridLayout is marked private and takes an int.
>>    private void setColumns(int columns) {
>>I'm not sure how you get from
>>to an int value.....
>>All I see in GridLayoutTag is
>>    ComponentUtil.setStringProperty(component, ATTR_COLUMNS, columns);
>>Actually, here's probably the problem:
>>  public static final String ATTR_COLUMNS = "colunms";
>>It's misspelled :)
>>But I still don't see how you get from "fixed;*" to an integer constant.
>>On 2/8/06, Volker Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>This looks like the coulums attribute of tc:gridlayout is lost,
>>>the resulting output is exact as exected if no columns is set.
>>>Arvid Hülsebus wrote:
>>>>Here is a short description of my findings before I go to bed:
>>>>I started to write a Facelets taglib for some of the Tobago core tags:
>>>>page, out, gridLayout, panel, label and in.
>>>>A simple XML file like this
>>>><f:view xmlns:f="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core";
>>>>        xmlns:tc="http://myfaces.apache.org/tobago/component";>
>>>>  <tc:page>
>>>>    <f:facet name="layout">
>>>>      <tc:gridLayout/>
>>>>    </f:facet>
>>>>    <tc:out value="Hello World"/>
>>>>    <tc:panel>
>>>>      <f:facet name="layout">
>>>>        <tc:gridLayout columns="fixed;*"/>
>>>>      </f:facet>
>>>>      <tc:label value="foo"/>
>>>>      <tc:in value="bar"/>
>>>>    </tc:panel>
>>>>  </tc:page>
>>>>results in this
>>>>There are still problems with the out and panel elements. This is the
>>>>result, if I render the same tags via JSP:
>>>>It looks like we have still some bugs to fix until this really works...
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