Once the Shale unit test lib is in maven, we'll begin refactoring the myfaces 
tests to use it.

You will want to go w/ a nightly or wait until the next release, as there have 
been some major improvements in the last 2 months.

It's pretty cool though.  You can just instantiate a component, call a bunch of 
setters, call the encode methods and render the component to a String. All of 
this outside of the container.  I haven't spent much time testing backing beans.

Dennis Byrne

>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 03:31 PM
>To: 'MyFaces Discussion'
>Subject: Using Shale Test Framework with MyFaces
>Have MyFaces users used the Shale Test Framework to unit test their JSF
>managed bean methods?  We're looking into potentially using it for a new
>MyFaces-based application we're implementing, since, in order to run
>JUnit on these bean methods, we need to have stuff like the managed bean
>and FacesContext classes initialized.  How are people in this mailing
>list unit testing their managed bean methods?
>- Brendan

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