
I'm very confused about this error and did a search on google but no one appears to have the same problem. BTW, I even don't know the exactly keywords to do this search...

I have a large dataTable, which has N columns.
The rows are the products and the columns are regions or sellers.

So, for each product and region/seller I have a total of sold items.

This is working now this way:

<t:dataTable value="#{manager.productList}" var="product" binding="#{manager.productBinding}">
        <f:facet name="header">
            <t:outputText value="Product"/>
        <t:outputText value="#{product.description}"/>
    <t:columns value="#{manager.infoList}" var="info" binding="#{manager.infoBinding}">
        <f:facet name="header">
            <t:commandLink value="#{info.description}" action="" rendered="#{info.hasLink}"/>
            <t:outputText value="#{info.description}" rendered="#{!info.hasLink}"/>
        <t:outputText value="#{manager.soldItems}"/>

So, in manager I have a method called getSoldItems that gets the two bindings and returns the value.
The infoList is a list of abstract class Info. Depending on user choice, we create InfoRegion or InfoSeller. The hasLink indicates that we need to create a link to change the view or not.
The page is being generated OK, very fast (although I don't know if there is a better way to do this).

The problem is that when you have a region in header (showing a link): when you click on any of them, all get clicked too in sequence.

Anyone knows why or how to solve?



Fernando Madruga Pinheiro
Analista de Sistemas
WMix Distribuidora Ltda
Fone/Fax: +55 (48) 3035-9734

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