On 2/19/06, Onur Tokan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Is there any title regarding using ADF Faces drop with shale?

If there is anything published about this particular combination, I would consider that to be a failure :-)

ADF Faces is about being a comprehensive library of JSF components.  Shale is about being a JSF-based framework that is agnostic to the particular component library you would prefer to use.  In priciple, that should always "just work."  If t doesn't, "what happens next" is a very interesting question.  But if no one says anything about incompatibilies, why should you be surprsed that they might exist.  If you find incompatibility issues, PLEASE report them!  For Shae, the right place is:


with prouct identifier "Struts" and category "Shale".

Without feedback from users, there is no way that compatibility can br ensured.  On the other hand, if you *wait* until there is som formal release of Shale, or any other relevant technology in this space, I'm going to be personally disappointed ... WHY didn't you help us get it right in the FIRST place?




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