Or ditch JSPs altogether and switch to Facelets or Shale Clay; much nicer ;-)


Volker Weber wrote:
You need to enclose all plain html in verbatim, but don't put jsf in

try somthing like this:

  <t:div rendered="#{portalbean.useCase eq 'submitNew'}" >

      <tr >
        <td width="5%">&#160; </td>
        <td align="left" rowspan="4" class="rightCellLine">
          <h:outputLabel value="#{labels.regCal_when} &#160;" />
          <t:inputCalendar id="kalender"    renderAsPopup="true"
               popupButtonString="Click here to show Calendar"
               popupTodayString="#{labels.regCal_today} "
            <h:message for="kalender" styleClass="error" />


Philippe Lamote wrote:
Yes, I have. (Well, "had")
I removed the verbatims and now it works - "functionally".
"Easthetically" the page became a mess since now he's also rendering the plain (non-jsf) HTML inside "hidden divs" (I mean divs with rendered = false) , which he did do not previously.
Some more explanation:
I had a table with elements defined in pure HTML (using <table>, <tr> and <td>)
I had parts of the table (collection of rows) that I wanted to show  or
hide, depending on the Use Case. So I was using the <t:div rendered=f(some var) > wrapping these column sets. I added verbatim tags to properly hide/show the html markup inside these divs.

Now I removed the verbatim tags. Functionally it works but he's  showing
the HTML inside the hidden divs.
To solve this, does this basically mean I will have to rewrite all  HTML
to purely JSF code as the mix of both obviously entails some  annoying
side effects?
( & thx for the advice already)

On 20 Feb 2006, at 23:16, Volker Weber wrote:

Hi Philippe,

you have jsf tags inside of f:verbatim? AFAIK this will not work, you
should close the verbatim before the jsf tags, and reopen after.


Philippe Lamote wrote:

Hi List,

Another problem I've run into today:

-- I have in my page a div like this: (inside a form)
                <!-- For the Use Case Submit New Calendar:  -->
           <t:div rendered="#{portalbean.useCase eq 'submitNew'}" >

           <tr >
               <td width="5%">&#160; </td>
               <td align="left" rowspan="4" class="rightCellLine">
                       <h:outputLabel value="#{labels.regCal_when}
&#160;" />
                       <t:inputCalendar id="kalender"

popupButtonString="Click here to show Calendar"



popupTodayString="#{labels.regCal_today} "




            <h:message for="kalender" styleClass="error" />

All is rendered well when the Use Case chosen equals "submitNew", so
far no problem.

The "currentEvent" for its value, is of Type CalendarEvent where the
relevant part of that class states:
...    /**
     * The chosen Date:
private Date dateChosen;

     * @return Returns the dateChosen.
    public Date getDateChosen() {
        return dateChosen;
     * @param dateChosen The dateChosen to set.
    public void setDateChosen(Date dateChosen) {
        this.dateChosen = dateChosen;
(in the constructor dateChosen is not instantiated to avoid a default
date of today in the inputCalendar field - this makes no  difference  as
to the issue however)

The problem:
The weird stuff is twofold:
    1/ The inputCalendar is a "required" element.
    Yet, when I don't fill anything in, I get no complaints.
    2/ It turns out that despite the fact all data inside the div is
rendered, NONE of this data is actually saved. In fact whatever I   type
into it, the "value" stays "null".
    All data of currentEvent outside the div is saved correctly.

Any ideas as to the "why"?
I don't think this is how div is supposed to work, is it?


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