You don't have to create a whole theme if you don't want to, just write a little CSS. The skinning documentation, in conjunction with the Oracle theme files, will let you figure out what font assignments you'll need to override.


Yogesh Chaudhari wrote:
Thanks for the reply,  I do not want to create new theme, I just want
to change font for Oracle theme.  But I guess I have to use themes as
it or write my own.

Thanks, Yogesh

On 2/20/06, Laurie Harper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
See the skinning guide:


Yogesh Chaudhari wrote:
Hi Jonas,

I am using ADF faces since last couple of months, I liked the Oracle
skin, I am using this theme for our Intranet application.

I just want to change the skin font to verdana, how I can override it.

Thanks, Yogesh

On 2/20/06, Jonas Jacobi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 Hi Dirk,

 The Oracle specific skin (beige/blue called BLAF) will not be included in
the donation or any future release of the commercial solution to ADF Faces.
The last release that includes the "old" Oracle look and feel is available
from JDeveloper 10.1.3. We are working on a new Oracle skin, but personally
I think we should have a MyFaces skin for the components instead of the
Oracle skin :)

 I have already started on this MyFaces skin and as soon as I have something
that covers most components I will contribute it back to the project. I just
wanted Sean to be done with the new MyFaces website so that I could mimic
its style for the new skin.


 Dirk Wilhelm wrote:

i just deployed the demo.war from the adf faces drop in zip to my tomcat and
noticed that the oracle skin is not included in this version? In the
example page the oracle skin looks exactly the same as the simple skin..

Is there a way to include this skin?

Thanks for help,

 Jonas Jacobi
 Author: Pro JSF and Ajax: Building Rich Internet Components

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