Perhaps there are better ways, but this is how I do it:

<h:selectOneMenu id="userChooser" title="# {labels.usrMgt_userChooserHelp}" valueChangeListener="# {managerbean.chooseUserTrigger}" disabled="#{managerbean.usersdisabled }" onchange="submit()" value="#{managerbean.currentUser.loginName}" > <f:selectItem itemLabel="#{labels.usrMgt_chooseUsr}" itemValue="choose_one"/>

As you can see, the first one ("f:selectItem" - without "S")is just to return a default return value ("choose_one") which triggers a customized error msg a valid usr should be chosen. The real meat comes from the f:selectItemS where the actual values are fetched.
As f:selectItem comes first, this is always shown first however.
Good luck,

On 18 Feb 2006, at 19:27, Ing. Ricardo R. Ramírez Valenzuela wrote:

I haven't found yet a way to do this, does this require a custom

If I have a selectitem (si) and I give it values {a,b,c}, how do I make
it so none of them are selected on the first load of the page? I have
tried setting the value in the managed bean to null with no luck.

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