Yasushi Okubo wrote:
Hi, experts

I would like to create a simple text link that kicks off javascript by onmouseover, but avoid to do submit() or go to another webpage, and I also need to show the data stored in my backing bean. The Html line could be like the following. I played with both outputLink/outoutCommand, but it alway tries to display webpage or submit a new request by "clicking" or onclick. I would like to disable to submit for commandLink/outputLink for onclick. How could I do it ? Or is there any other method other than outputLink/commandLink that can avoid submit()/going to another page ?

<a href="_blank" onmouseover="doPopupMolWeight();" onmouseout="close_window_mol();" > 'NeedToDisplayDataStoredInBackingBeanHere' </a>

I tried something like the following with outputLink, but it submits a request to the server when I click the link after executing "javascript doNothing()". <h:outputLink value="#{value}" onclick="doNothing()" onmouseover="doPopupMolWeight();" onmouseout="close_window_mol();" /> <h:commandLink value="#{value}" onclick="doNothing()" onmouseover="doPopupMolWeight();" onmouseout="close_window_mol();" />

As with any Javascript event handler, you need to return false if you want to prevent the default action from taking place. Add a 'return false;' at the end of your doNothing() function [or, since that function presumably doesn't do anything, you could just replace it with the return in the onclick attribute.]


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