Hi Jim,
just out of curiousity: why do you enclose the last commandbutton in a <af:subform default="true">? What is the effect?
I played around with subforms today, too, but failed to get what I wanted to achieve.
If you're interested, here is what I wanted to do. Originally I had:
  <af:inputText label="ABC" value"..." > <!-- with validation! -->
  <af:selectBooleanCheckbox autoSubmit="true" label="Enable XYZ" value="#{enableXYZ}"/>
  <af:inputText label="XYZ parameter" disabled="#{!enableXYZ}"/>
  <af:commandButton label="Submit" .../>
There is a problem with this: when clicking on the checkbox, the form is validated. When the validation fails, the form is broken (checkbox enabled though "XYZ parameter" field disabled.
So, I thought I have to find a way to bypass the validation for the autosubmit of the checkbox. Immediate=true didn't solve it, so I tried to do the following with subforms:
  <af:subform default="true"
    <af:inputText label="ABC" value"..." > <!-- with validation! -->
    <af:selectBooleanCheckbox autoSubmit="true" label="Enable XYZ" value="#{enableXYZ}"/>
    <af:inputText label="XYZ parameter" disabled="#{!enableXYZ}"
  <af:commandButton label="Submit" .../>
Still, the validation happened on autoSubmit. When I put default="false", then there was no validation, but on submit the values of the first subform were not saved. After trying some more different arrangements, I gave up.
Frank Felix

From: James Moores [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2006 3:35 PM
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: multi <af:subform> validation in ADF Faces

Hi Everyone,
I'm having some problems with form validation in ADF.  I have a form with multiple sections that need to be validated separately - the reason is that some commandButtons do things like add a selection to a list that is built up as the form is filled out (e.g. a list of key-value properties where you can add a new key value pair or delete existing ones in the list).  In those cases I don't want the main form validation to happen and block submission.  For a while I was using buttons with immediate="true", but that means that the values that you are interested in don't get written into their backing beans before your action method is called.  Now I was getting around this by binding the control to a backing bean and getting the value directly from the control object.  But I thought that was a bit horrible - additionally if the field I need is a Choice box then I can only get the index of the selected item and have to look it up all over again.  That works, but I wanted to find a better way.  I thought I had when I (again) tried using <af:subform>.  I'm trying to do this (I've simplified it):
  <af:subform default="true">
    <!-- some fields I want validated when the form is complete -->
    <af:inputText ..../> 
    <af:inputText ..../> 
    <af:inputText ..../> 
  <!-- my properties table -->
  <af:table values="backingBean.propertiesList" var="property">
      <af:outputText value="#{property.key}"
      <af:outputText value="#{property.value}"
    <f:facet name="actions">
        <af:inputText value="#{backingBean.newKey}">
        <af:inputText value="#{backingBean.newValue}">
        <af:commandButton action="">
    <!-- some more fields I want validated when the form is complete -->
    <af:inputText .../>
    <af:inputText .../>
  <!-- submit the complete form -->
  <af:subform default="true">
    <af:commandButton action="">
which all works great except that anything sitting in the input fields of the subforms other than the one submitted is wiped.  The wierd thing is that the fields in the other (non default=true) subforms stay populated.  The reason I thought this would work is the docs:
A UIXSubform will always allow the "Apply Request Values" phase to execute for its children, even when not "submitted", but when not "submitted", the "Process Validations" and "Update Model Values" phases will be skipped. This differs from an ordinary form component, which, when not submitted, does not (and cannot) run "Apply Request Values" either.

UIXSubform and "default"

In some scenarios, there may be buttons (or other components that submit the page) outside of the main content of a page. If this main content is in a UIXSubform, it could not be fully processed whenever those buttons are clicked, since those buttons aren't inside of the UIXSubform. To support this scenario, ADF Faces supports a "default" property on UIXSubform. A "default" subform behaves like any other subform in most respects, but if no subforms are "submitted" - if no subform has an appropriate event come from its children - then all "default" subforms act as if they are "submitted".

The first paragraph seems to imply that just the Apply Request Values phase will be executed for the 'unsubmitted' subforms, but shouldn't this be enough to maintain their values on the page? Am I missing something?

Anyone any ideas?
Jim Moores

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