
Using the filter method seems to present a problem.

In my web.xml file, I already have a filter for any /faces/* requests that invokes the ExtentionsFilter for myfaces.  The url I need for *my* filter is /faces/admin/*.  So it seems to me that in order to use my filter, that I need to use the doChain() method in the myfaces filter class, which I can do I suppose, but that would mean grabbing the sources and such, which I'd rather not do.

I've never written a filter before, so I could be wrong about this.  But my filter doesn't respond to any requests for /faces/admin, but it does, for say /*, so I'm assuming that the myfaces filter is not passing on the request to the next filter in the chain.

Is that right?


Or register a listener that implements HttpSessionListener, which
implements the methods sessionCreated(HttpSessionEvent e) and
sessionDestroyed(HttpSessionEvent e).

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Kienenberger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2006 3:34 PM
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: Re: Session Expiration Default Target?

A servlet filter is probably the best bet since you can both check for
the expired session and redirect before JSF is ever involved.

On 2/27/06, Elam Daly < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Is there someway to tell my faces application that when the session
> expired, to return to a certain page?
> I have a session time of 5 minutes for my application and the pages
> password protected.  What's happening is that people are clicking on
> links and what not after the session expiration date, and the app is
> throwing errors.  The password protection is custom, not tomcat
> authentication, so I need to do the redirecting via JSF.
> Thanks,
> Elam Daly

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