Another thing to look at might be to have a managed bean retrieve the value 
from the message bundle in its getter.  That makes the JSP simpler, at the 
expense of writing some extra Java code.

- Brendan

-----Original Message-----
From: Frank Felix Debatin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2006 8:07 AM
To: 'MyFaces Discussion'
Subject: RE: String concatenation in EL

God, is this ugly!!! 

However, thanks for the info.

@Andy, thanks no problem 

-----Original Message-----
From: "R. Müller" [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2006 2:54 PM
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: Re: String concatenation in EL


the lack of this feature is really annoying to me too -- and this issue was
discussed here serveral times without real success.
For me the following JSTL-approach works (but also no nice solution) :

<c:set var="key" value="${}'.title'" scope="request"/>
<h:outputText value="#{treeBundle[requestScope['key']]}"/>

so long :-(


Frank Felix Debatin wrote:
> This would have a different effect. I organized the ressources with 
> keys such as "myPage.title".  So I would like to have
> #{bundle[ + '.title' ] } <!-- doesn't work -->
> to be resolved to
> #{bundle[ 'myPage.title' ] }
> Thanks
> Frank Felix
*M-Unicomp GmbH
*Dipl.-Ing. Ronald Müller
*Plauener Straße 163-165, Haus 11
*13053 Berlin
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