Okay, I brought up this issue before, but regarding my project I am
working on at home. The problem is that when I post back to the JSF
page using the same view (no navitation rules matched - I am just
changing UI state on the current page, not going to a new page),
myfaces generates new IDs but not remembering the old IDs. So if the
new IDs are the same as the old IDs, there is an error.

Unlike my home project, I cannot afford to be on the development
release at work. I need a stable release. Since this is a major bug,
aka show stopper, can there be a service pack, hot fix or at least a
source patch for this bug for the 1.1.1 released source code? (1.1.1b
or something?)

This is stopping me dead in my tracks and there doesn't seem to be a
work around except for always creating a new view by making navigation
rules like:
from-view-id  myview.xhtml
from-outcome *
to-view-id myview.xhtml

This is not elegant and is not good for the server either right (no
point in having to create a new view for every post back to the same

The issue seems centered on new components being added to the tree on
a postback to the same page.

My page has collapsable panels that are saving their state. Instead of
rendering the children and hiding them with CSS, I am not rendering
them from the server at all if the panel is collapsed. I am doing it
this way so my backing beans on the server can remember all of the
panels' expanded state (right now there are 3 panels on this page). If
I do the CSS solution and don't post back, the user will lose the
state if they navigate away without posting my form.


FYI - I need a solution ASAP if at all possible (meaning in the next
few hours not days), so even temporary workarounds that are not as
ugly as the navigation case one I just mentioned are appreciated as

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