Title: Problems with Duplicate IDs

I get the following error stack when my page is reloaded after a ValueChangeListener:

cannot add component with id 'edisys to its parent component with id : 'content' and path '{Component-Path : [Class: javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot,ViewId: /newpartner.jsp][Class: javax.faces.component.html.HtmlForm,Id: content]}'at position :24 in list of children. This might be a problem due to a duplicate id in a previously added component,if this is the case, the problematic id might be one of : popupEdisector,_idJsp41,_idJsp34,_idJsp45,_idJsp30,imageweiter,_idJsp29,newpartnerMandanten,_idJsp31,edibereich,_idJsp42,popupFnames,_idJsp39,sector,_idJsp32,_idJsp28,errormessage,_idJsp36,_idJsp43,standorte,newPartnerstatus,ort,companyname,_idJsp38

The problem is, that there is no other component with the same id, so I don't really know, why I get this stack.

I think the problem is, that when the page is reloaded, the Id is still there and that's why there comes this error stack.

I reload the page with the following way:

                                String viewId = "/newpartner.jsp";
                                FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
                                UIViewRoot view = context.getApplication().getViewHandler()
                                                .createView(context, viewId);

Does anyone one, what I can do?

Regards and thx for help,

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