I have a database of zip codes, city, states, longitude, and latitude. Someone here found the database on the Internet. For a website we did we needed to list all locations of a franchise within 100 miles of a given zip code. It took a little while to find how to calculate the distance using longitude and latitude. I ended up finding a JS version which I rewrote into SQL.

Another person here told me, after I did this, that he once wrote a about this. If you search the web you should be able to find it. In his version I think he creates a database procedure for the  formula. Here is my code...
      // Creates a query that will select all franchises that are within 100 miles. Orders by distance.
    // Conversion of km to miles -> 0.621
    // Radius of the earth 6371
    // Algorithm based off of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haversine_formula
    //        this page then referenced a JS implementation
    //          http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/LatLong.html
    // (NOTE: Maybe change to a stored procedure.)
    query2 = "SELECT x.*" +
        " FROM (" +
        " SELECT ROUND((6371 * ( 2 * ATAN2(SQRT(z.firstPart), SQRT(1-z.firstPart)) )) * 0.621) AS distanceMiles, z.* FROM" +
        " (" +
        " SELECT" +
        "    SIN((lat2 - lat1)/2) * SIN((lat2 - lat1)/2) +" +
        "          (COS(lat1) * COS(lat2) * SIN((long2 - long1)/2) * SIN((long2 - long1)/2))" +
        "          as firstPart," +
        "   y.*" +
        " FROM (" +
        "    SELECT" +
        "    f.*," +
        "    a.latitude * PI()/180 AS lat1, a.longitude * PI()/180 AS long1," +
        "    b.latitude * PI()/180 AS lat2, b.longitude * PI()/180 AS long2" +
        "    FROM zipcodes as a, franchise AS f LEFT JOIN zipcodes AS b ON f.franchise_zip = b.zip " +
        "    WHERE a.zip = ***ZIP CODE GOES HERE***"+
        "    ) AS y" +
        " ) AS z" +
        " ) AS x" +
        " WHERE x.distanceMiles <= 100" +
        " ORDER BY x.distanceMiles"

Kind of hard to follow but with this and the URLs in the comments you should be able to figure it.


Dave wrote:
I searched web, but did not find useful info.
Goal: Given a zip code or an address, search the database to find all businesses that are within 10 miles.
To be concrete, two things:
1. How to calculate distance between two addresses(or two zip codes)?
2. How to list all the zip codes that are within 10 miles from a given zip code?
Is there such a service out there? But going through a service would be too slow.
Thank you very much for any hints.

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