> How did you open a new browser? IE's new window and firefox by default
> do not start new instance of browsers on most platforms, so memory
> cookies are kept.
> If you are on firefox and use the "Web Developer Toolbar" extension,
> you can use it to clear all session cookies.
> I believe (I am pretty sure but didn't confirm it), that the servlet
> specification states that the Servlet Session is stored as a session
> cookie under the name JSESSIONID. If the browser does not support
> cookied, the servlet container is supposed to re-write URLs with
> ";JSESSIONID=blah" appended to the end of the servlet path.
> (JSF does not matter, it is based on the servlet sessions - 99% sure)

I opened a new browser window by executing the ieexplorer.exe, but was in
the same session. Is this normal or a local problem only?

If I use Opera and copy a URL of my app (without session ID) to IE, the same
tab of the panelTabbedPane as in Opare is shown in IE, and not the default
tab. But this time, no data is shown in IE at first. But when I invoke an
action in IE, I can load some data, too. It seems like there's some
inter-browser session or state sharing...

If I close all browsers and start a new IE instance with deleted cookies,
and enter an absolute URL to a page of my web app (wihout session ID), the
page is shown with data, although it should not be possible, because the
data had not been loaded before. It seems that the data comes from a
previous session (I only use session-scoped Backing-Beans).

> -Andrew
> On 3/23/06, Matthias Kahlau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi!
> >
> > Do you know how JSF associates a session to a specific client? I thought
> > this will either work with a session ID or a cookie. But when I
> open a new
> > browser window and copy the session-ID-less URL from the other browser,
> > which is already in a session, the new browser will be associated to the
> > same session - the same personalized data is shown. This is not what I
> > expected or want...
> >
> >
> > -Matthias
> >
> >
> >
> >

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