Title: Message

Thanks in advance for any help guys J


I am using an ADF showOneTab component that has a varying number of tabs. I iterate across a list inside the xhtml document with a facelets tag.


In theory, a user may be able to click on various command items such as links and buttons that would cause an item to be added to my list and a navigate-back-to-self situation, which means that the new tabs should show up.


The problem is, it doesn’t work like that, and I think I know why…


My list isn’t going to get updated until the Invoke Application phase, by which point the component hierarchy is already built.


That’s the problem… I think. What I actually see is really spotty behavior, where sometimes things appear and other times they don’t, and I can’t tell why. Regardless of the behavior, if I just hit the refresh button, the page always loads exactly the way it should.


Here are my tags:


<af:showOneTab position="above">

<c:forEach var = "editorinput" items="#{editorPanelBean.tabs}" >

<af:showDetailItem text="#{editorinput.label}" id="#{editorinput.id}">

<ui:include src="#{editorinput.page}">

<ui:param name="editorinput" value="#{editorinput}"/>








Does anyone have any advice on how I should proceed here?  


I was thinking that the answer may be to write a custom phase listener and figure out how to process my action early, which I’m more than happy to do if it’s the correct solution. I just don’t want to go barking up the wrong tree, or down a dead end alley, or whatever analogy you prefer if there’s a “duh” solution to this problem out there.


And remember I’m running that c:forEach in the facelets world, not the JSP world.


Jeremy Sager

Data Communications Product Manager

Chesapeake System Solutions

410.356.6805 x120


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