Hi John,

which result you wanna get through the ajax request?

Only for the expand-and-contract functionality there is no need for
using ajax. This can be done only using javaScript on client side.

Do you use a js framework for your component or have you coded it on your own?

As far as i know, our accordion component uses open rico for shielding
from the complexity. A cool working example can be found under:


Also the dojo js framework has this feature right now:




On 3/24/06, John Slave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> i wish to create an ajax component panel that is simply a panel with
> particular javascript effect to expand and contract. However i found a
> solution but i don't know if this is the right solution. I will use dwr
> servlet to communicate by ajax (as explained in blue prints catalog
> article) but the render inside will be always available but
> hidden...because i don't know how i can render and put the result via
> ajax...
> Someone can tell me if it is a correct solution? Some suggestion?
> Thank you
> Yours faithfully
> John Slave

Gerald Müllan
Schelleingasse 2/11
1040 Vienna, Austria
0043 699 11772506

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