Whoops :)

That was wrong. --> Then access the value in JSF like <t:outputText value="#{timeBean.getDate}" />

The "get" disappears of course. So you'd just write <t:outputText value="#{timeBean.date}" /> in your jsf page... There are lots of other examples.

Did you check http://irian.at/myfaces ?

Legolas Woodland wrote:
Andreas Zeller - zit-systems wrote:
Hey Legolas,

Timestamp? java.util.Calendar.getInstance().getTime() will give you the
current time and date... Does that help you?


Legolas Woodland wrote:

Thank you for reading my post
How i can show current timestamp in jsf ?



Thank you for the reply.
I mean how i can print it in a jsf page.
imagine that i have a jsf page and i want to show current timestamp , what should i do ,can you give me a sample ?

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