I haven't tried this tag recently, but the original version of it
stored the page state in the url.  Thus it wouldn't work on large
pages.   You might see if there's some error about the URL being
larger than 4096 characters in your logs.

> Hi,
> i have problems to implement the sandbox tag graphicImageDynamic.
> I followed the instructions and use the actual subversion version where i 
> found an example.
> But with hibernate and facelets it will not work for me.
> I've read a lot, implemented all properly, but the image from the database 
> will not be rendered.
> e.g. i implemented 
> http://wiki.java.net/bin/view/Projects/FaceletsTaglibsMyfacesSandbox - for 
> sandbox-facelets support.
> Have somebody implemented this tag or is it possible to render an image from 
> the database with another tag???
> Regards,
> Udo
> "Jetzt Handykosten senken mit klarmobil - 14 Ct./Min.! Hier klicken"
> www.klarmobil.de/index.html?pid=73025

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