Congratulations Craig, Wendy and the others...

Wendy Smoak schrieb:
> The Struts team is pleased to announce the release of Struts Shale 1.0.2 
> Alpha.
> The Struts Shale Framework is a set of loosely coupled services,
> fundamentally based on JavaServer Faces, which may be combined as
> needed to meet particular application requirements.
> Compared to version 1.0.0, (version 1.0.1 was retired due to packaging
> issues,) this version includes a substantial number of bugfixes and
> enhancements -- details are in the Release Notes -- and the following
> major new features:
>  * Shale Remoting is a complete overhaul of the remoting support in
> 1.0.0, providing support for application or component developers who
> need to implement the server side behavior for AJAX callbacks. It is
> packaged as a small (40k) JAR that has no dependencies on the rest of
> Shale.
>  * Tiger Extensions is an optional add-on layer for those running on
> Java SE 5 (code named "Tiger").  The extensions let you use Java
> annotations to declare managed beans or register JSF components,
> without needing entries in a faces-config.xml file.
>  * A new "blank" starter application to get you up and running with a
> new project quickly.
>  * A new "mailreader" demo application that duplicates the
> functionality of the Struts 1.x version of this app, so you can
> compare implementation approaches.
> * A new "SQL Browser" demo application that illustrates use of the
> Tiger Extensions, as well as the ability to modify JSF component trees
> on the fly.
> Although this is considered an alpha release, various developer APIs
> should be considered at a more stable (in terms of assurances of
> backwards compatibility in future releases) point than might otherwise
> be expected.  Please see the following web page for more details:
> Your comments and questions are welcome on the Struts User list. 
> Subscription information can be found on the following web page:
> --
> Wendy Smoak

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