Hi Jeremy,

thanks for your interest in ADF Faces, but please don't do cross postings.


On 3/29/06, Jeremy Sager <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> By the way, I did my testing in firefox. In IE, I noticed that sometimes it
> seems to sit at "loading" for great lengths of time instead of just
> reverting.
> Jeremy Sager
> Data Communications Product Manager
> Chesapeake System Solutions
> 410.356.6805 x120
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeremy Sager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 11:45 AM
> To: 'MyFaces Discussion'
> Cc: adffaces-user@incubator.apache.org
> Subject: Bug in ADF showOne components
> Hi guys -
> I've researched this pretty thoroughly and I don't think this is a mistake
> on my part.
> I'm worried that the general issue I'm demonstrating may extend beyond
> showOne items, but they're all I've tested so far. The following bug is
> demonstrated with showOneChoice, but I know for certain that it is also a
> problem with showOneTab. I haven't tested it with other showOne components,
> but am guessing we'll get similar results.
> Basically, if you have a showOne component inside a form AND inside a facet,
> it stops working properly. When you select an item from the showOne, it
> automatically reverts back to the first item in the list no matter what you
> selected.
> I am certain this has nothing to do with the outputText component inside the
> showDetailItem. I originally had different components in there, and only
> substituted in the outputText because it's a simple small component that
> makes testing easy.
> Here is a sample setup:
> <af:form>
>       <af:panelBorder>
>       <f:facet name="right">
>             <af:showOneChoice position="top">
>                   <af:showDetailItem text="Item One" id="_1234321" >
>                         <af:outputText value="Showing One"/>
>                   </af:showDetailItem>
>                   <af:showDetailItem text="Item Two" id="_12345654321" >
>                         <af:outputText value="Showing Two"/>
>                   </af:showDetailItem>
>             </af:showOneChoice>
>       <f:facet>
>       </af:panelBorder>
> </af:form>
> If you replace the panelBorder with a panelPage (i.e. another component with
> a facet), you get the same behavior.
> <af:form id="someform">
> <af:panelPage id="_adasd">
> <f:facet name="menu1">
> <af:showOneChoice position="top">
> <af:showDetailItem text="Item One" id="_1234321" >
> <af:outputText value="Showing One" id="sdasda"/>
> </af:showDetailItem>
> <af:showDetailItem text="Item Two" id="_12345654321" >
> <af:outputText value="Showing Two" id="asdsadads"/>
> </af:showDetailItem>
> </af:showOneChoice>
> </f:facet>
> </af:panelPage>
> </af:form>
> Remove the form, and everything works fine:
> <af:panelBorder>
> <f:facet name="right">
>       <af:showOneChoice position="top">
>       <af:showDetailItem text="Item One" id="_1234321" >
>             <af:outputText value="Showing One"/>
>       </af:showDetailItem>
>       <af:showDetailItem text="Item Two" id="_12345654321" >
>             <af:outputText value="Showing Two"/>
>       </af:showDetailItem>
>       <af:showOneChoice>
>       </f:facet>
> </af:panelBorder>
> Keep the form, but pull the showOne item OUT of the facet, everything works
> fine:
> <af:form id="someform">
> <af:panelPage id="_adasd">
> <f:facet name="menu1">
> <af:outputText value="Facet requires a tag" id="asdsadaddsadsas"/>
> </f:facet>
> <af:showOneChoice position="top">
> <af:showDetailItem text="Item One" id="_1234321" >
> <af:outputText value="Showing One" id="sdasda"/>
> </af:showDetailItem>
> <af:showDetailItem text="Item Two" id="_12345654321" >
> <af:outputText value="Showing Two" id="asdsadads"/>
> <af:showDetailItem>
> </af:showOneChoice>
> </af:panelPage>
> </af:form>
> It does not matter if the showOne item is a top level child of the facet or
> not. This also fails:
> <af:form id="someform">
> <af:panelPage id="_adasd">
> <f:facet name="menu1">
> <af:panelBox id="box" text="header" background="medium">
> <af:showOneChoice position="top">
> <af:showDetailItem text="Item One" id="_1234321" >
> <af:outputText value="Showing One" id="sdasda"/>
> </af:showDetailItem>
> <af:showDetailItem text="Item Two" id="_12345654321" >
> <af:outputText value="Showing Two" id="asdsadads"/>
> </af:showDetailItem>
> </af:showOneChoice>
> </af:panelBox>
> </f:facet>
> </af:panelPage>
> </af:form>
> I'm going to do more testing to determine if there are other types of
> components that misfire inside a facet inside a form, and I'll let you guys
> know. In the meantime, hopefully the ADF guys who know the code can spot the
> problem.
> I don't think this is relevant to the issue, but in the interests of full
> disclosure I am using facelets for my view handler.
> I am on the nightlies for facelets, MyFaces, and ADF Faces as of Monday
> 3/27. however I know for certain that this bug was around in earlier
> versions, because I upgraded in an attempt to fix the bug, and was
> previously using MyFaces 1.1.1, the original ADF Faces drop, and whatever
> version of facelets was out there in December '05.
> I'm copying this to the myfaces list because the adffaces list just came up
> yesterday and people who have something to add may not have signed up yet.
> Jeremy Sager
> Data Communications Product Manager
> Chesapeake System Solutions
> 410.356.6805 x120

Matthias Wessendorf
Zülpicher Wall 12, 239
50674 Köln

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