thank you for reply.
forceId is just for myfaces , and for now i am not using myfaces.
I change that to what you said and i still get the same error from _javascript_ Console

Error: staticText8 has no properties
Source File: http://localhost:28081/pluto/portal/Publisher/.......
Line: 306

Thank you for the help

Gerald Müllan wrote:

stupid thing, but try it out with:

var testValue = document.getElementById("form1:statictext8");
testvalue.style = "...";

I am more or less sure that this is the problem. In js you can not
concat method calls in every case.

Apart from that, getting the dom element through the generated id is
not best practice.
Use forceId="true" in the jsp tag to be sure that you can get the id
on client in a predictable manner.



On 3/31/06, Legolas Woodland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
thank you for reading my post.
I have this problem in my web application :
generated html which i view in my browser has this :


<span id="form1:staticText8" style="border-width: 1px; border-style:
solid; border-color: rgb(0, 0, 0) rgb(0, 0, 0) rgb(0, 0, 0) rgb(0, 0,
0); height: 15px; left: 23px; top: 392px; position: absolute; width:
145px">My test Value</span>

In my _javascript_ function i have:

function setNewColors(obj)
document.getElementById("form1:statictext8").style =" left: 25px; top:
383px; position: absolute; width: 143px; border-width: 1px;
border-style: solid; border-color:#fdffca; background-color:#fdffca;
color: #000000;";

i trigger the color change function in :
<select style="left: 264px; top: 240px; position: absolute; width:
288px" class="MnuStd" id="form1:dropDown1" name="form1:dropDown1"

When i select yellow from the drop down box , it call color change but
in _javascript_ console of FireFox i get an error like :

Error: document.getElementById("form1:statictext8") has no properties
Source File: http://localhost:28081/pluto/portal/Publisher/......
Line: 299

can some one please tell me  what is my mistake ?



Gerald Müllan
Schelleingasse 2/11
1040 Vienna, Austria
0043 699 11772506


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