We don't use the bridge and we have the same problem.
So you can see the bug : http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TOMAHAWK-168
We have just to wait...

Selon Raj Saini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

-> Hi,
-> I am using myfaces portlet for developing JSR-168 portlets with
-> Jetspeed-2. I am facing problems while submitting a form for file
-> uploading with enctype="multipart/form-data". With this encoding
-> action method is not called. However, same application works fine, if
-> I run it as standalone. This seems to be a bug in the portlet bridge.
-> Is this a known problem?
-> Regards,
-> Raj

|Cordialement, Sébastien MARIN.|
|->  http://www.marin-s.com  <-|

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