Title: AW: Problems with displaying buttons behind checkboxes


thanks for your answer, I hope that I understood you.

It is not a radio-check button, the user is able to choose more than
one option and then go on. (That is the first use case)

The second use case is when the user wants to edit only one option.
So the checkboxes are necessary.



-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Gerald Müllan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 4. April 2006 10:30
An: MyFaces Discussion
Betreff: Re: Problems with displaying buttons behind checkboxes


why having a button in this usecase?

I think a value change listener applied to the selectManyCheckbox
would also do his work!?

From the usability point of view, having a button behind a radio-check
isn`t very intuitive, right?

Hope that helps,



> Hello,
> I have got problems with displaying buttons behind checkboxes.
> I have got some 'options' that I display dynamically like this:
> <h:selectManyCheckbox value="#{bean.optionPool}">
>         <f:selectItems value="#{bean.optionPoolList}" />
> </h:selectManyCheckbox>
> It is necessary to have checkboxes because the user is able to
> check some and click "goOn" and then happens something with the
> options.
> Now I want to have a button behind any option which the user can click
> and get more information about this option.
> To solve this problem I thought about several things.
> 1. It should be possible to add a link to every option in the selectItem.
> But it isn´t possible.
> 2. I tried to define a table with <h:panelGrid>.
> In the first column I read out my checkboxes, that works.
> In the second column I read out a "buttonList" that I have filled in the
> bean
> with buttons as much as I have options. That works, too. But to detect which
> button was clicked, I need a h:dataTable. When I embed my buttonList with a
> h:dataTable nothing is displayed.
> Here is the code:
> <h:panelGrid columns="2" ...>
>    <h:column>
>         <h:selectManyCheckbox value="#{bean.optionPool}">
>                 <f:selectItems value="#{bean.optionPoolList}" />
>         </h:selectManyCheckbox>
>    </h:column>
>    <h:column>
>           <h:dataTable var="option" binding="#{bean.optionButtonTable}">
>              <c:forEach
> items="${sessionScope.bean.optionButtonList}" >
>                       <h:panelGrid border="0" columns="1">
>                              <h:commandLink value="Edit"
> action="" />
>                   </h:panelGrid>
>                  </c:forEach>
>         </h:dataTable>
>    </h:column>
> </h:panelGrid>
> Has anyone an idea what I can do?
> Thank you very much
> Nicole Schweighardt
> Praktikantin System Integration
> M.I.T newmedia GmbH
> Am Zollstock 1 · D-61381 Friedrichsdorf · www.mit.de
> .............................................................................
> M.I.T - eSolutions für Marketing, Vertrieb und Service

Gerald Müllan
Schelleingasse 2/11
1040 Vienna, Austria
0043 699 11772506

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