
Yes, you are right. This is only a missinterpreting issue with IE, and
only if you you set the panel to serverSide tab switch. Because you
have to do a post, the button is rendered.

You can easily access it with:

.activeTabClass input { ... }

This will also only affect the tab, and not the whole tab-page!



On 4/4/06, Garner Shawn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My active tab has been renderring as a button.
> I went to the example site at
> http://www.irian.at/myfaces/tabbedPane.jsf and the active tab there
> has the active tab renderred as a button also.
> I read a website and this seems to be an winXP and IE6 specific issue
> and figured out I can fix it by doing this:
> input {
> color: #465f8c;
>        padding: 2px 5px;
>        border: 2px solid;
>        border-color: #7bf #07c #07c #7bf;
>        background-color: #f0d4ff;
>        font-family: Georgia, serif;
>        font-size: 18px;
>        display: block;
> }
> Which I think the website said you needed either background-color or
> border-color.
> Now my tab renders as a tab instead of a button.  Howerver...
> This applies the css to all inputs on the page and I only want the
> tabs to have this and not any buttons that might submit a form (I do
> have one too).
> I created a stylesheet class using the same properties as before.
> .activeTabClass {
> color: #465f8c;
>        padding: 2px 5px;
>        border: 2px solid;
>        border-color: #7bf #07c #07c #7bf;
>        background-color: #f0d4ff;
>        font-family: Georgia, serif;
>        font-size: 18px;
>        display: block;
> }
> and assigned it to all the different style class attributes
> (activeTabStyleClass...) for the panelTabbedPane and panelTab tags.
> I'm a newbie at css but I thought this should have worked but it didn't.
> Any one have any idea how I can assign this style sheet just the the
> tab's input button and not the ones on the rest of the page?
> Shawn

Gerald Müllan
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1040 Vienna, Austria
0043 699 11772506

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