Hey all,

I'm looking at trying to add some more advanced UI elements to a webapp I'm developing. One thing that I'm concerned about is that this is an app that will be used by the general public, not just in-house. That means I have no control over the OS or browser used to access the site. Naturally I want as many people as possible to be able to access the site. So I need to do some kind of selection process for when to display the cool components and when to display the regular components.

My use case at the moment is that I'm trying to replace a set of radio buttons with a slider, the one from Yahoo!s library. I haven't created the JSF component yet and before I invest too much time into it I want to determine if it's feasible and how hard it is to do this kind of browser based component usage decision making. Could it be something as simple as:

<h:panelGroup rendered="#{browser.coolComponentCapable}">
 <rw:inputSlider ...>
<h:panelGroup rendered="#{!browser.coolComponentCapable}">
 <h:selectOneRadio ...>

Or is there a better way?


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