I have an edit view that let's the user modify an object thru a number
of steps.
All the "steps" redisplay the same view with additional/changed
Once all the information has been entered there is a Save button to make
changes permanent.

I want to have a "Start Again" button that the user can press at anytime
discard all the changes and start again in the same view.

<h:commandButton immediate="true" action="#{bb.startAgain}" value="Start
Again" />

In the startAgain() action I reset all the backing beans properties from

the saved original object. The problem is the view components still have

the last values displayed.
(I've tried both an Action and ActionListener and get the same result.)

The form that gets redisplayed to the user has the last values displayed

NOT my backing bean property values.

Is this because the "Update Model Values" phase was skipped?

Is there a way to reset the view so it acts like this is the first time.

I want the view components to get all there values from the bound
bean properties like they normally would following a non immediate
action event.

Can anyone help?

Using MyFaces and Tomahawk 1.1.1.

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