I think JPA remains unfinished for the moment mainly for political
reasons. The final draft has been accepted if I remember correctly.
Anyway you can choose what you prefer but I think you went a little
bit too hard on Hibernate. I know the JDO community don't like Gavin
King and have their own vision but Hibernate is a true masterpiece. It
is very lightweight so you don't have a lot of depencencies on the
framework itself. You would just have a lot of configuration
information to migrate but right now Hibernate is the "de facto"
standard in the persistance area for most people so I guess you won't
have to migrate in the near future.

On a side note, what I like about JPA is that finally there is a first
official Java aspect. Just hope to see more in the future
(transaction, security, pooling, remote access, ...) so everything can
run in a standard VM and you don't have to deal with the complexity of
what you don't want. Well I am wandering far away from JSF right now
but well I really like AOP :) I agree with the JBoss guys, this is the
future of middleware services.

On 4/5/06, Jonathan Harley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Werner Punz wrote:
> > Jonathan Harley schrieb:
> >>Indeed. Because JPA is such a limited standard (only covers
> >>relational datastores, for one thing),
> >
> > Actually that is not quite true, JPA is not really limited
> > to relational datastores
> Well, I suppose not but its query language is (yet another) dialect
> of SQL and it uses SQL and relational terminology throughout its
> annotations. It's clear what its designers had in mind.
> >>JDO products as well as
> >>Hibernate and Toplink will offer many extensions to the JPA standard.
> >>Users will have a choice of using proprietary extensions (in the
> >>case of Hibernate and Toplink) that lock them in to one vendor, or
> >>standardised extensions (JDO) that give them a wide choice of vendor.
> >
> > Exactly, but the point is, there are no key issues why you have to lock
> > yourself into it.
> > In the future it probably will be, that it is best to code against jpa
> > and use the extensions wisely, if needed (and in most cases it wont be
> > needed)
> I disagree; I think it will be almost impossible not to use vendor
> extensions. Take lazy loading, for example. JDO 2.0 defines exactly
> which fields are available when an object is used while "detached"
> from the store, and defines the exception which is thrown if client
> code tries to access a different field. In Hibernate, whether access
> succeeds depends on whether the field was already loaded, but a lazy
> loading exception is thrown if not. In JPA, no particular behaviour
> is defined, the spec merely observes that it might be "unsafe". If
> you're using Hibernate JPA, no doubt you'll get the PROPRIETARY
> Hibernate lazy loading exception, but using another vendor you
> might just get null.
> Maybe this discussion is wandering a bit far away from JSF. The
> point I wanted to make is that if you like JSF because it's a
> standard which gives you the choice to change vendor (and that's
> certainly one of the things I use to persuade our clients that JSF
> is good) then you should also look at standards for other areas
> such as persistence. JPA is obviously worth a look, but right now
> it's unfinished and seems to me quite poorly thought out.
> Jon
> --
> .....................................................................
>            Dr Jonathan Harley   .
>                                 .   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>             Zac Parkplatz Ltd   .   Office Telephone: 024 7633 1375
>             www.parkplatz.net   .   Mobile: 079 4116 0423

Alexandre Poitras
Québec, Canada

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