try <!DOCTYPE web-app SYSTEM "<path to your dtd file>.dtd">
This little thing has saved me sometimes....
Hope that it helps
Rafael Mauricio Nami

2006/4/6, Adam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Mike Kienenberger wrote:
> On 4/5/06, Adam <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
>> For Tomcat, the solution appears to be:
>> go to tomcat-install-dir/conf/ and add this to
>> lines:
>> http.proxyHost=<proxy address>
>> http.proxyPort=<proxy port>
>> The H and the P of host and port must be in capital letters.
> While this will work for you, you're still fetching the dtds from the internet.
> This means that if the internet route to that host is ever down, or
> that host is unable to serve the dtd to you, your app will fail.
> I would try copying your dtd files into WEB-INF for each app and see
> if that solves the problem.   There's bound to be a way to provide
> local copies of these files, even though it can sometimes vary.
> You'll not only get better performance, but you'll have better
> reliability as well.

What is the DTD etc used for?

I ask this as the obvious solution appears to work i.e keep the dtd/xsd
ref in there while doing design/testing etc & then comment t out in


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