I am trying to develop an application using Myfaces and now I am facing
this problem:
I am trying to develop a custom converter using the converter tag.
To be more concrete I am trying to convert the name of a document given
the id.
Unfortunately the name of the document is not depending only on the id
but also on another customization number and
I do not know how to pass it to the converter.
I tried the following
<h:outputText value="#{obj.id}" >
<f:converter converterId="MyConverter">
<f:attribute name="custom" value="#{obj.custom}"/>
But unfortunately it says that converter must be empty according to TLD.
I tried also the follwing
<h:outputText value="#{obj.id}" >
<f:attribute name="custom" value="#{obj.custom}"/>
<f:converter converterId="MyConverter"/>
and tried to get custom from MyConverter code without any success.
Am I using the correct approach?
Can someone point me on the right direction?
JSF newbie but not too much
Cantoni Massimiliano
CED Assicom S.p.a.
Indirizzo: Via De Cocule 33030 BUIA(UD)
Telefono: 0432/9683