Another question: how do i manage it to get a box or smth else centered
on the page. I'm thinking of a Login/Password Box simply centered on the
A simple login page could look like this:

 <tc:page label="${title}" id="page" width="1010" height="636">
   <f:facet name="layout">
     <tc:gridLayout rows="1*;fixed;1*" columns="1*;400px;1*"/>

   <tc:cell spanX="3"/>

   <tc:box label="Intraday Power Trading">
     <f:facet name="layout">

     <tx:in id="j_username" label="User ID"/>
     <tx:in id="j_password" password="true" label="Password"/>

       <f:facet name="layout">
         <tc:gridLayout columns="1*;100px"/>

       <tc:button defaultCommand="true" label="Login" action="overview"/>

   <tc:cell spanX="3"/>

Currently there is only gridLayout you would normally use.


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