Hi Philippe,

To part B:
the generated html element ids are not the same as you set on the jsf
tags. I think this is the problem of your javascript.
This is not a bug! see http://wiki.apache.org/myfaces/forceId

If in doubt take a look into the generated html source for the ids.


Philippe Lamote wrote:
> Nobody any idea? 
> Phil
> Hi List, 
> I think I am stuck with a bug (B/) & I have a list-access element
> question as well. (below: A/)
> A/ As you will probabely wonder with the code below: what is this guy
> trying to do with
> these value="#{regcalbean.currentEvent.refDateDeltas[2]}" ??!
> Well, I have an ArrayList and I wondered whether there is a way to
> talking directly to an (Array -> indexed) element of this List. 
> Like you can talk directly to an array index in Java. (that's where I
> stole the syntax) 
> I get no complaints, but... the List just doens 't get filled so this
> must be wrong somehow :-)
> I hope this is possible, if it is, a hint as to how to make this work is
> welcome! (I saw some methods smelling to what I want to do in a property
> resolver class, if I remember well, but I don't know how this translates
> into front-end access)
> I know I can make it work by creating indirection-vars (one/list
> element) but that i sobviously far less elegant than if this direct
> access would be possible. (less memory, less redundancy, less code, ...
> and very intuitive)
> B/ 
> I think I came across a MyFaces-javascript integration bugs (at least
> for 1.1.1 - donno whether it has already been mentioned or even better,
> corrected in 1.1.2!)
> The error I got on several occasions, was a "/element has no
> properties/" error, whereas the element surely had props. 
> *Example 1:*
> To construct a (js-) popup with some explanantion, but taking into
> account internationalisation (hard req), I made a hidden text field
> holding the var for when the JS needed it. 
> So in the page has this js: (header)
>  function explainComplexData(){
> var text = document.getElementById("justForJSPopup").value;
> alert(text);}
> & in the page itself: the img of a question mark which gives the
> explanation when clicked upon: 
> <h:graphicImage
> value="../pics/regCalNew/questionHelp.png" onclick="explainComplexData()"/>
> & a hidden input field, just as a headless container for holding the
> explanantion in the correct language.
> <h:inputHidden id="justForJSPopup" 
> value="#{labels.newCal_explainComplex}" />
> This unfortunately does not work with MyFaces. (what made it work:
> change the inputHidden to a POHO (Plain Old HTML Object ;-) but then
> i18n goes thru the window and of course I prefer to stick to one
> compontent flavor)
> *Example 2:* when checking a checkbox, 2 menus ("menu3" & "menu4" should
> change their "disabled"-aspect.)
> Setup: one checkbox to trigger this, one js to apply these changes and
> of course the 2 selectMenus.
> Code:
> <h:selectBooleanCheckbox id="complexDeltaDateFlag"
> value="#{regcalbean.currentEvent.refDateDeltas[2]}" 
>   onclick="javascript:enableFocus()"/>
> <h:selectOneMenu
> value="#{regcalbean.currentEvent.refDateDeltas[4]}" id="menu4"> 
>   <f:selectItem ... (a few selectItems) />
> </h:selectOneMenu>
> & the js:
> function enableFocus()
> {
> if(document.getElementById('menu3').disabled == true)
> {
> document.getElementById('menu3').disabled = false;
> document.getElementById('menu4').disabled = false;
> } 
> else {
> document.getElementById('menu3').disabled =
> true;document.getElementById('menu4').disabled = true;
> }
> }
> ... gives same error: the elements (menu3 & menu4 here) would have "no
> properties"...
> Frustrating!
> Phil

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