We actually do this at the moment but the JSPs are getting bloated as this
is the core of our reporting/charting framework and
there are potentially many reports facets that can be shown (20-30+). I was
looking for a more compact solution akin to using
Velocity templates which could be dynamicaly inserted into the JSP by the
backing bean.  Both tiles and Facelets require thay
I change the view hander for the entire app (all 120+ JSPs) which is
overkill to support just I page.

The other alternative is to build the view dynamically by inserting UI
components into the comoponent tree but this starts to break down the MVC

-----Original Message-----
From: Le Van [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2006 4:38 AM
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: Re: dynamically included subviews

Julian Ray wrote:

> Does anyone know if this is possible, and if so, what is the correct 
> mechanism
> <t:aliasBean alias="#{pageBean}" value="#{Report}">
> <f:subview id="reportgui">
> <jsp:directive.include file="#{pageBean.reportTemplate}" />
> </f:subview>
> </t:aliasBean>
> The JSP directive obviously cannot interpret the JSF value binding but 
> is there an alternative way to dyncamically include a page without 
> having to use tiles or facelets which seems to be overkill for this.
> Thanks

Why you don't use rendered.
<f:subview id="reportgui" rendered="FlagFromBean"> </f:subview>

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