Julian Ray wrote:
> I posted this a few days ago but it might have slipped through the cracks...
> I am attempting to add resources from a jar of custom components using
> the AddResource service in Tomahawk. It works for resources which are
> configured within the WEB-INF but I'm struggling to get jar-configured
> resources to load. The extensions filter is setup and working,
> AddResource works for JavaScript and css files which are statically
> stored but I can't seem to get the ResourceHandlers to work as MyFaces
> keeps complaining that it expects a myFacesCustomCommand.
> Are there any examples of doing this? Is it possible?

Have you looked at https://weblets.dev.java.net/ yet?  It's designed for
serving resources out from a jar file.

Dave Brondsema
Software Developer
Cornerstone University

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