Sorry if this is a bit too general for this list, but as I'm using myFaces as my JSF implementation I thought it would apply.

I've recently written an e-commerce application using Facelets/JSF/Spring/Hibernate/Tomcat/MySQL with a shopping cart, customer sign-in, etc.

As this is my first "real" application, I was wondering if there are any specific places within my application that I should be concerned about thread safety. I think I've been going under the possible mistaken belief that since most of my processing is done in Tomcat's sessions, and objects are stored in those sessions, I'm pretty safe. Are there any specific sections I need to be more aware of than others? (Customer sign-in, saving an order?)
Also, I'm using a connection pool setup as a JNDI resource in Tomcat.

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

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