
we have made the war file of the tobago-example-demo at
downloadable just by adding the '.war' extension:

This is just a link from www root to
tomcat/webapps/tobago-example-demo.war so is garanted to be alway the
actual deployed file.

The war file, of cause, contains all needed libs, maybe Martin, or
someone else, can do the same at irian.at ?


Dennis Byrne wrote:
> Welcome Sascha,
> The sandbox is currently not in the release.  You can obtain this using maven 
> and subversion, using the instructions found on the wiki.  However your 
> timing could not be worse, as Apache subversion could be down for a few days. 
>  Sorry.
> Dennis Byrne
>>-----Original Message-----
>>Sent: Friday, May 12, 2006 02:56 AM
>>To: users@myfaces.apache.org
>>Subject: Where to find sandbox.jar ?
>>First try on a mailing list, hope not to do it all wrong :-)
>>I am wondering where I can get the latest sandbox.jar from MyFaces? I only 
>>found it in myfaces-1.1.1, but it seems not complete.
>>On the sandbox-site I saw fishEyeNavigationMenu and at irian.at I found an 
>>example using it, which I like very much. But this component is not included 
>>in the sandbox.jar from myfaces-1.1.1, is it?
>>How or where can I get it?
>>Thanks very much,

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