Here is another way: <f:facet name="somenode"> <t:panelGroup> <t:selectBooleanCheckbox valueChangeListener="#{bean.treeCheckChanged}"> <f:attribute name="nodeId" value="#{node.identifier}" /> </t:selectBooleanCheckbox> ...
Java: public void treeCheckChanged(ValueChangeEvent evt) { UIComponent comp = evt.getComponent(); String nodeId = (String)comp.getAttributes().get("nodeId"); Boolean oldValue = (Boolean)evt.getOldValue(); Boolean newValue = (Boolean)evt.getOldValue(); ... } The one thing weird about this is that it occurs during the process validation and not the update model phase (I always wonder why the value change isn't in the update model phase), so it isn't fully acceptable to be changing the bean's properties at this time, but what other possibility is there? -Andrew On 5/23/06, Michael Heinen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Here is some more code of my jsp for illustration: <t:tree2 id="catTree" value="#{MyBean.mynode.treeData}" var="node" varNodeToggler="t" clientSideToggle="false" showRootNode="true"> ... <f:facet name="category"> <h:panelGroup> <t:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{node.checked}" valueChangeListener="#{MyBean.mynode.nodeChanged}" title="#{node.identifier}"/> <h:outputText value="#{node.description}" styleClass="nodeFolder"/> <h:outputText value=" (#{node.childCount})" styleClass="childCount" rendered="#{!empty node.children}"/> </h:panelGroup> </f:facet> ... </t:tree2> -----Original Message----- From: Michael Heinen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Dienstag, 23. Mai 2006 17:50 To: MyFaces Discussion Subject: RE: Tree2 & CheckedNode question Phil, I think the performance could depends on your specific scenario (size of tree, number of changed nodes and their relation). My model contains very large server side trees so checking the whole tree was not an alternative for me. You need the <t:selectBooleanCheckbox> in order to display the checkbox for the corresponding node. The valueChangeListener must be defined for this tag. You can't define it elsewhere because it should be fired when the checkbox status has been changed. The sender of the valueChangeEvent is not a TreeNodeChecked but a HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox. HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox has not getIdentifier() method. Attribute title of HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox contains the identifier of the node in my sample. See below: title="#{node.identifier}" I also don't know <t:treeSelectionListener>. Michael -----Original Message----- From: Philippe Lamote [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Dienstag, 23. Mai 2006 15:32 To: MyFaces Discussion Subject: Re: Tree2 & CheckedNode question Ah, so I did miss smth! (my bad) This is very interesting. I'll try that out. Do you think this is a more efficient (meaning faster) approach than sending the whole tree back, and do a tree traversal in one action method to add selected nodes to an List? (= optimization question; one big action traversal method vs. serveral smaller action listener methods) Have you experimented with this? Last question: if I 'd use Matthias's CheckedNode Tree, can I then leave the <t:selectBooleanCheckbox> out of the tree or should I leave it in? (as having to leave it out raises the problem of where to put the valueChangeListener; neither facet not panelGrid accept this attribute) So, for TreeNodeChecked: (btw I also noticed you used getTitle() instead of getIdentifier(), why is that?) --> would this be the proper way for handling: public void nodeChanged (ValueChangeEvent ve) { TreeNodeChecked sender = (TreeNodeChecked)ve.getComponent(); if (sender.isChecked()) { //add selected node this.selectedNodes.add(sender.getIdentifier()); } else{ //remove not selected node this.selectedNodes.remove(sender.getIdentifier()); } } Btw does anyone know what the "<t:treeSelectionListener>" element stands for? (passed by with autocompletion, yet no doc is available & I'd also expect an actionListener to go with a "Listener" yet this is not the case) Bye ( & thx Michael!) Phil On 23 May 2006, at 14:16, Michael Heinen wrote: There is only one request. The valueChangeListener listener is called after you submitted your page. You can select/deselect as many nodes as you want in a client side tree without generating a server request. The valueChangeListener is called after you submitted the form. It is then called for each changed node. -----Original Message----- From: Philippe Lamote [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Dienstag, 23. Mai 2006 13:18 To: MyFaces Discussion Subject: Re: Tree2 & CheckedNode question This seems worse then a resquest per checked node: now you have a server round trip per time a user "clicks" on +/- The best solution is (as in my question) one where there is ONLY one request, at the end. Then only the nodes the user selected in the end (after his doubts - think proces of checking/unchecking) are taking into account. (or am I missing smth?) Phil On 23 May 2006, at 12:39, Michael Heinen wrote: It is very easy to collect the checked nodes on the server. You could use a valueChangeListener. <t:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{node.checked}" valueChangeListener="#{MyBean.mynode.nodeChanged}" title="#{node.identifier}"/> Then you could add all selected nodes into a Set/List and remove all deselected nodes from it. public void nodeChanged (ValueChangeEvent ve) { HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox sender = (HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox) ve.getComponent(); if (sender.isSelected()) { //add selected node this.selectedNodes.add(sender.getTitle()); } else{ //remove not selected node this.selectedNodes.remove(sender.getTitle()); } } -----Original Message----- From: Philippe Lamote [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Dienstag, 23. Mai 2006 12:12 To: MyFaces Discussion Subject: Tree2 & CheckedNode question Hi, I'm sory for this question, but there's not too much doc about this on site, so... here we go: I want to make a tree2 with checkboxes that I only collect once together, and I could use some advice: The examples I've seen, have the commandlink at every node, by consequence fire off the second one gets clicked. What I want, is: - a CLIENT side tree2 (for speed) - with checkboxes on every leaf element - multiple leafs can be checked simultaneously ("simultaneously" meaning before a new request fires off) - under the tree a cmd button to ONLY THEN fire off an action. The action should then perform an opeation on all the checked leafs. I guess thsi is possible, but how to do this best? If possible, I'd like a solution without javascript to collect the checked nodes, yet if no other way exits, that's fine too. With js I thought of smth like: (if it works, "addToRequest(# {node.identifier});" ... should add the node ID to the request. So all checked nodes would be sent with the request wen the cmd button under the tree gets clicked.) <t:tree2 id="clientTree" value="#{calmgmtbean.treeModel}" var="node" varNodeToggler="t"> <f:facet name="setsTree"> <h:panelGroup> <h:selectBooleanCheckbox onclick="addToRequest(# {node.identifier});" /> <t:graphicImage value="" border="0"/> <h:outputText value="#{node.description}" styleClass="# {t.nodeSelected ? 'treeSetSelected':'treeSetUnselected'}"/> </h:panelGroup> </f:facet> </t:tree2> If possible, I would like to get rid of "addToRequest(# {node.identifier});", of even better of the entire "h:selectBooleanCheckbox" and use checkedNode (smth Matthias Wessendorf provided us with for convenience - thank you Matthias! :-) Yet in that case, how to collect all the ckecked nodes at the server side? Is it necessary to walk over all the nodes and perform a isChecked check? (if so, does someone here has some tested code for this? Would be a ice addition to as well. I think this would also be a fine candidate for a build-in method, to ship with the ckeckNode tree. As with a checkednode tree, you have the great option to batch process all checked nodes at once, serverside, compared to all the servertrips per checked node you'd have without a checkednode tree. (this is what I love most about it, it's a great idea, yet now I guess every dev has to program the same method over and over again for tree-traversal) Thanks in advance, Phil