Hi John,

just tested it out, layouting works well for sheet.

you have two errors and one problem on your page: see inline

John wrote:
> This is the code that exhibits the behavior:
> It should layout like: 
> X X
> X X   (both Xs are the sheets span)
> But it lays out like:
> X
> X
> X
> With both inputs being the same height as the sheet.

>     <t:panel id="whitelistPanel1">
>       <f:facet name="name=layout">

error 1: should be: <f:facet name="layout">

>         <t:gridLayout columns="1*;1*" rows="fixed;fixed"/>

problem fixed is not defined for sheet, so you will get theme default
fixedHeight which is e.g in speyside 20px for the sheet try "fixed;1*"
or set sheet height in px e.g. "fixed;100px"

>       </f:facet>
>       <tx:in label="New Sender" value="#{whitelist.newSender}"/>
>       <tx:in label="New Recipient" value="#{whitelist.newRecipient}"/>
>       <t:cell spanY="2">

error 2: should be: spanX

>         <t:sheet value="#{whitelist.entriesList}" id="whitelistSheet"
> columns="3*;3*" var="whitelistRec" state="#{whitelist.selectedEntries}"
> showPageRange="right" pagingLength="7">
>           <t:column label="Sender" id="From" sortable="true">
>             <t:out value="#{whitelistRec.sender}"/>
>           </t:column>
>           <t:column label="Recipient" id="To" sortable="false"
> align="center">
>             <t:out value="#{whitelistRec.recipient}"/>
>           </t:column>
>         </t:sheet>
>       </t:cell>
>     </t:panel>


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