yes.. (it in my case) but nothing happened

2006/5/30, Ondrej Svetlik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
::SammyRulez:: wrote:
> Hi all
> I'm developing a intranet application and I notices that, because of
> the time-zone awerenes of JSF, all de dates are decrased by two hours
> from the persisted value while displayed.
> Forcin the formatting to timeZone="GMT-2" dates are displaied ok but I
> would't like to spread timeZone attributes in all the pages in which I
> display dates.
> There is a knob to set a default timezone? or a easy workaround?
> ps: Both application server and db have timezone setted correctly to
> GMT-2 as a system variable!


have you tried to set the correct locale? I'm just guessing.




Best regards

Ondrej Svetlik

Un hacker รจ una "persona che si impegna nell'affrontare sfide
intellettuali per aggirare o superare creativamente le limitazioni che
gli vengono imposte, non limitatamente ai suoi ambiti d'interesse, ma
in tutti gli aspetti della sua vita"

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