There are some good reasons for not doing this.  It was discussed
extensively on the dev list for several months so I won't rehash the
entire discussion here.  These classes need to be shared between core
and tomahawk since we don't want two maintain sets of source code.
They need to have different namespaces so that tomahawk and core can
be released independently of one another.


On 6/2/06, Costa Basil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I think it would be better if the shared classes are distributed in a
separate jar file to avoid the class duplication. It is confusing the way it
is right now having the same classes in two separate distribution jar files.

Matthias Wessendorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > Now, I noticed there is a package that I couldn't find in the source code
> and that is org.apache.myfaces.shared_tomahawk. What's
going on, why is this
> package missing? Is it actually built by the build process? If yes, could
> you please provide the information on how to create it?

Good question.

I created [1] today. If it is not clear enough, please ask and I'll
add more content to it!



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