With Facelets templating over the top of JSF it's dead easy - you just include some xhtml that has any number of components inside it:

               <ui:include src="#{config.urlControls}text.xhtml">
                   <ui:param name="label" value="Telephone:"/>
<ui:param name="property" value="#{selectedPerson.telephoneNo}"/>
                   <ui:param name="rendered" value="true"/>

We use it for all our widget controls on this project even if its a 1:1 correllation, that way we can chop and change which JSF components we use at the end of the day. The only trick is for small sets of components you don't display/not display using <c:if> tags, but use of the rendered=" property on the components instead.
It works.

Regards, Murray

Ionut S wrote:
I was wondering if somebody had any success in writing a custom component that aggregates other existing components ?

For example, creating a component that extends UIPanel and adding to its children 2 existing components (a label and a combo box, let's say)..

Thank you !

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