Ok, I think I just realized you can do something like:

<f:subview id="tab2" >
                <jsp:include page="tab2.jsp"/>

in a panelTab.  However, does this page get rendered when the whole tabbedPane loads or only when I click on the link?  I am assuming when the page loads.  I really need the page to render only after I click on the link.

On 6/7/06, Gregg Bolinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am needing a Tabbed Pane component but not exactly what MyFaces provides.  I'd call it more of a Link Tab component that renders tabs with links to pages but that actually navigate to a new page, not just flipping a panel on or off.

I know I could do this with CSS and commandLinks but wanted to check and see if anyone else has made a similar component.


  • Link Tabs Gregg Bolinger
    • Re: Link Tabs Gregg Bolinger

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