Apologies of this is not an appropriate place to ask this since it's not specifically MyFaces related, however...
The project I am working on is a mix of Flash (customer side) and JSF (admin side). We are not allowed to use Spring (long sad story) and so I was using JSF's managed bean facility to inject DAO's into service classes and make the service classes available via the managed bean facility as well. This works great from the JSF side of things.
But, the Flash side is using Flash Remoting to access Servlets that need to use a lot of the same services. Because managed beans are lazy loaded, when the servlets need access to the services, they aren't actually created yet.
And finally, my question...Is there a way to A) force JSF to load all managed beans immediatly, B) specify which beans should be loaded immediately, or C) somehow get a hook into the JSF side, maybe FacesContext, and initialize the bean?
- Force creation of managed bean Gregg Bolinger
- Re: Force creation of managed bean octoberdan
- Re: Force creation of managed bean octoberdan
- Re: Force creation of managed bean Gregg Bolinger
- Re: Force creation of managed bean Julian Ray
- Re: Force creation of managed bean Gregg Bolinger
- Re: Force creation of managed bea... Gregg Bolinger
- Re: Force creation of managed... Gregg Bolinger
- RE: Force creation of managed... Julian Ray
- Re: Force creation of managed... Sean Schofield
- Re: Force creation of managed bean octoberdan