I would go with a binding, don't know if there are other ways to do
what you need.


2006/6/21, Michael Heinen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


I asked this question a few months ago but I didn't get an answer. So I try
it again because I have to solve this now.

I have a selectOneMenu and a link beside it. When the user clicks the link I
need the selected value in my BackingBean without form validation. The
target of the link is an iframe and I don't want that the same page with
error messages is rendered in this iframe. Therefore the immediate attribute
of the link is set true.

I can't use a ValueChangeListener because this is not called with immediate
submits, right?

Can I use an updateActionListener and set the selected value via javascript
(see snippet and the '???')

Or is the usage of a component binding for the selectOneMenu the only
working alternative?


<t:selectOneMenu id="documentTypeId" forceId="true"


   <f:selectItems value="#{MyBean.scoredCategories['documentType']}"/>


<h:commandLink action="#{MyBean.switchHighlighting}" immediate="true"

   <t:updateActionListener property="#{MyBean.selectedDocumentTypeId }"



Thanks in advance,


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