How many times did you run your performance test?  Were you timing the first run, or timing some runs after giving it some stress and then a quick breather? :)

If you were timing the first run, I wouldn't be surprised at all if the -server mode were slower.


On 6/23/06, Jeff Bischoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have noticed that Myfaces seems to perform better while running on the
  Hotspot Client (default) jvm, rather than the Hotspot Server jvm. Have
any of you noticed this too?

For example, I tested by having my application build a t:dataTable of
over 5000 rows. I used JBoss 4.0.4 and ran with and without the -server
jvm option. Memory usage was consistent between the runs, but execution
time was vastly different.

Using the default client jvm, my dataTable displayed in 28 seconds.

Using the server jvm, my dataTable displayed in 83 seconds.

This seems a little counterintuitive to me, considering that this
clearly is a "server" type process. Perhaps it is because so many
objects are being created, and the client vm allocates memory and
initializes faster.

Has anyone found a good reason to use the -server option, when running a
JSF application?


Jeff Bischoff
Kenneth L Kurz & Assoc

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